Try Whole-In-One for free!
Please write to us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
For the first 50 users, it will be free for the first 6 months. After that, it is £10 per month.
You can cancel or pause the subscription at any time and there is no minimum subscription period.
This gives you the chance to try it out for free without any commitments.
If a charity introduces someone to Whole-In-One, 50% of the monthly subscription will be paid to that charity.
If you know of someone who you feel would benefit from using Whole-In-One, then there is a easy to use process which generates a unique code for you. When they use Whole-In-One, they can simply enter that code, and you will be given 2 months free subscription if they subscribe.
Everyone gets a 90 day free trial period (First 50 users get the first 6 months free). During this time, all the features are available to use.
There is a free copy of the Video chat feature which can be downloaded so that you can chat you someone who is not a Whole-In-One Subscriber.
No, it will be available in over 42 languages, a list of which is available here.