Try Whole-In-One for free!
Read and Write Emails.
If you do not already have an email address, you can set on up for free, very simply.
It will automatically read emails from the server, allow you to reply or forward it to someone else.
You can add photos or any documents to an email.
Any photos which are received will automatically be added to your photo album.
Load up web sites and search the internet for anything.
Includes links to popular websites.
No need to type in website details.
Any scam websites will be blocked for your protection.
All photos, received by emails, downloaded from a camera etc will automatically be added to the Photo Ablum.
No need to go hunting around the computers files.
Includes ability to add them to emails, rename, delete etc.
Make a note of calendar events such as appointments, birthdays etc.
You can set up optional reminders to appear at a time before the event.
Add contact details such as name, address, email etc as well as loggins for accounts (account numbers etc)
Please note that this feature is protected by it's own password.
A fully featured Word Processor which allows you to write letters, documents etc. as well as opening word processor documents that may have been sent to you.
A fully featured Spread sheet which allows you to do calculations, list and total expenses etc. as well as opening Spread Sheet documents that may have been sent to you.
A fully featured PDF Reader which allows you to open PDF documents that may have been sent to you.
Taking a Photograph and recording a Video with your computer's camera.
These can easily be attached to an email to send to friends and family.
The Chatterbox allows you to remotely communicate via video with anyone in the world.
Scan QR codes which are becoming more and more common.
Normally a QR code contains a website address and if so, the website can be automatically loaded into Whole-In-One's built in web browser.
This includes features such as loan and investment calculators, expense tracking and the latest exchange rates live!
These days, when you are applying for licenses etc on-line, you will be asked to send a copy of documents.
If you have a printer with a built in scanner, this will make scanning document very easy.
Includes Google Maps which shows maps worldwide, plus you can zoom in, view an area by satellite, traffic information and also street view.
Translate any language to any other language.
If you have a friend who has sent you a letter in a language that you do not understand, this will translate it for you.
The image editor allows you to design images and change ones that you may want to update.
Rather than jotting down notes on the back of an envelope, you can put them in here.
You can also enter details of logins, account details and passwords etc (these can be password protected so no-one else can access them)!
If you are new to computers, understanding how files are stored can be difficult to learn.
Whole-in-One has it's own built in File Manager which takes away the complications to allow you to access you files quickly and simply.
If you are new to computers, this includes lessons for beginners in using a keyboard, a mouse, different terms such as "Drag and Drop", "Cut, Copy and Paste" etc.